Yesterday morning I opened up Haaretz to read about Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s speech of “peace and hope” (which is code for “death and despair” in his party). As I got to the second page, one of the main pictures (seen above) really touched a nerve.
The four men sitting in crisp, pressed suits representing my country made me squirm on my sofa. Let’s start from the right (no pun intended):
Tzachi Hanegbi: I don’t agree with Hanegbi’s views, and I abhor his political style. Hanegbi is apparently sitting there since he’s the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee at the Knesset. But I just wanted to point out that an Israeli court recently found him guilty of perjury in his trial over political appointments. That was on July 13th. While waiting for the judge’s punishment, Hanegbi – I repeat: guilty of perjury – is representing me at the UN.
Meron Reuven: I don’t know much about Reuven except that he’s a temporary ambassador to the UN. Why temporary, you ask? Because he’s a pawn in a power feud between Lieberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. So, it’s not about who Reuven is – it’s the quality of Israeli governance he represents. Mainly the “circus quality”.
Danny Ayalon: Lieberman’s poodle. From someone who’s served as Israel’s top diplomat in Washington as Israeli ambassador to the U.S. you’d expect a bit more savvy. But this guy has shown nothing but extreme right wing views mixed with a love for insults. His claim to fame is no doubt making the Turkish Ambassador to Israel sit on a lower chair and have the media photograph it for boasting purposes.
Avigdor Lieberman: Ah, Avigdor… where to begin. Since everyone pretty much knows about the racism, I’d just like you to remember that Israel’s number one diplomat, its foreign minister, our face abroad, is currently under police investigation for allegedly receiving illegal donations from foreign businessmen while he was Knesset member, and just a few months ago the police recommended he be indicted for breach of trust.
There you have it. Israel’s pride and glory, our best, the cream of the crop, doing their job representing us.
I’m so proud I could plotz.