Welcome to +972’s new newsletter!

Over the past year, the +972 editors have been using our newsletter to write short reflections about some of the week’s top stories, offering political analysis and personal perspectives to our thousands of followers around the world. Your responses have been very supportive — so we decided to give our newsletter a face-lift.

As the name suggests, we hope our weekly newsletter will serve as your direct line to the events and conversations happening on the ground in Israel-Palestine. In addition to our own messages, the newsletter will continue to do what it has always done: collect the most recent articles of the week, so that you can catch up on any stories and analyses you might have missed.

If you’ve received this email, that’s great — you’re already subscribed to our newsletter! We’d love it if you could help us grow the +972 community by sharing this with your friends and family. They can sign up for the newsletter here.

Edo, Editor-in-Chief