Activists tear down pieces of barbed wire from the separation wall surrounding the village of Rafat near Ofer military prison in commemoration of the death of Bassem Abu Rahmah (“Phil”) and Palestinian Prisoners Day, April 17, 2013, Rafat, West Bank. Bassem Abu Rahmah was hit with a tear gas canister shot directly at him at close range by Israeli army forces during a demonstration against the separation barrier in Bil’in, on April 17, 2009. (Photo by:
A Palestinian girl who handcuffed herself holds the picture of her jailed uncle during a protest in support of the Palestinian prisoners in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, April 11, 2013. (Photo by: Anne Paq/
Palestinian women holding framed photos and posters of imprisoned relatives during a rally commemorating ‘Palestinian Prisoners Day,’ April 17, 2013, Ramallah, West Bank. April 17 marks the annual ‘Palestinian Prisoners Day.’ It was established to remind the public of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, where they are routinely exposed to torture and other inhumane treatment. (Photo by: Anne Paq/
On Palestinian Prisoners Day, Palestinians celebrate the recent release of several prisoners held in Israeli jails, Bethlehem, West Bank, April 17, 2013. (Photo by: Ryan Rodrick Beiler/
Israeli activists hold a symbolic hunger strike in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in front of Kirya military base on April 18, 2013. The activists intent to hold the strike for a week. (Photo by: Yotam Ronen/
Activists put up a street photo exhibition in solidarity with ‘Palestinian Prisoners Day’, West Jerusalem, April 17, 2013. The exhibition was put up in various locations in West Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. (Photo by:
People holding candles at a vigil for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings at Boston Common, Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Twin explosions near the marathon’s finish line killed three people and wounded more than 170 on April 15, 2013. (Photo: Tess Scheflan/
People console each other during a vigil for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings at Boston Common, Tuesday, April 16, 2013. (Photo: Tess Scheflan/
Around 10,000 people take part in the 16th annual March of Return in the displaced and demolished village of Khubayza, northern Israel. Although the Nakba memorial day is commemorated on the 14th of May, the March of Return occurs parallel to the day in which Israel celebrates Independence Day, April 16, 2013. The march demands the Right of Return for the Palestinian refugees who were forcefully displaced from their homes and lands during the 1948 war that followed the creation of the State of Israel. (Photo by: Shiraz Grinbaum/
An Israeli activist from Zochrot (“Remembering”) organization, shows Israelis a map highlighting the Palestinian villages destroyed during the 1948 Nakba, in the midst of the Israeli Independence Day celebration, in central Tel Aviv, April 16, 2013. Zochrot launched the first project in Hebrew mapping all the Palestinian villages destroyed by Israeli forces from the beginning of the Zionist movement and until the 1967 War. (Photo by: Oren Ziv/
Palestinians throw stones towards an Israeli army jeep during clashes in protest against the expropriation of Palestinian land by nearby Israeli settlement of Ofra in the West Bank village of Silwad, east of Ramallah, on April 12, 2013. (Photo by: Oren Ziv/
A Palestinian reads words written on an Israeli soldier’s riot shield by activists at a previous protest: “Israeli occupation forces”, and “I hate occupation,” during a weekly demonstration against the occupation and separation wall in the West Bank village of Al Ma’asara, April 12, 2013. The Israeli separation wall, if built as planned, would cut off the village from its agricultural lands. (Photo by: Ryan Rodrick Beiler/
Weekly demonstration in Kfer Qaddum, a West Bank village located east of Qalqiliya, April 12, 2013. There have been regular demonstrations in Kfer Qaddum since July, 2011, protesting the blocking of the main road east of the village which used to link it to Nablus. (Photo by: Yotam Ronen/
Activists protest the use of drones by American armed forces, April 13, 2013 in downtown Boston, MA. The protest came as part of the “April Days of Action,” a national campaign of counter-drone protests. (Photo: Tess Scheflan/
Israeli police arrest a Jewish Israeli woman during a prayer at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, April 11, 2013. The prayer session was organized by the ‘Women of the Wall’ group, which calls for women’s rights to pray without restriction the Jewish holy site. In the past months, Israeli police have arrested women who attended. (Photo by: Oren Ziv/
A Palestinian child shows shell casings and rubber-coated steel bullets collected during a day of clashes with the Israeli army in Aida Refugee Camp, Bethlehem, April 10, 2013. This was the fourth day in a row that Israeli soldiers entered the camp, which is in Area A, provoking clashes with Palestinian youths. (Photo by: Anne Paq/
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