WATCH: Al Walaja – The story of a shrinking Palestinian village

Beginning with the 1948 war and continuing with the the illegal annexation of land to Jerusalem, the canton-like divisions created in the Oslo Accords and now with the separation barrier, Israel has, piece by piece, chipped away at al-Walaja’s village lands for 65 years. This is the story of how it happened.

By Julie Land and Alison Morgan

A letter from al-Walaja: Wars, walls and now roads
The Wall, 10 years on / part 7: A village turned prison
Supreme Court ruling turns village into open-air prison

Julie Land is an artist and sociologist from Krakow, Poland. She runs a small media and design firm, MotionArt and teaches at the Jagiellonian University. She often travels to East Jerusalem and the West Bank, where she conducts film and video workshops with Palestinian youth. Ali Morgan is a British writer and development specialist, a Quaker and is currently serving with EAPPI in the West Bank.