WATCH: Bibi’s true role in historical events

Israeli activists and commentators got tired very quickly of Netanyahu pushing himself into every scene with released soldier Gilad Shalit today. Some of them went on Facebook to take the matter ad absurdum, by placing the prime minister in historic moments he had little real claim to.

Like this, by Uri Streigold :

WATCH: Bibi's true role in historical events

Or this, by Noa Liberman-Plashkes:

WATCH: Bibi's true role in historical events

And obviously, this (by Gil Matus):

WATCH: Bibi's true role in historical events

But the one that takes the cake is this, published by sports writer Ouriel Daskal as “Exclusive – Gilad Schalit’s X-Ray shot:”

WATCH: Bibi's true role in historical events