WATCH: Hiroshima Day in Israel – Don’t Bomb, Talk!

Last Monday August 6, the Israeli Disarmament Movement (RPM) held a protest against an Israeli strike on Iran on the anniversary of bombing of Hiroshima. That day 67 years ago in 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki a few days later, ultimately destroying both cities and causing over 200,000 casualties.

RPM is explicitly against an Israeli attack on Iran, and for solving the issues with discussions and not with violence. RPM also calls on Israel to participate in the conference on establishing a Middle East that is free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction. Here is a video report by Social TV displaying voices in Israel against a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.


Some 300 people also gathered Sunday night in front of Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s private residence in central Tel Aviv to protest an Israeli strike on Iran, kicking off what is supposed to now be a daily protest in front of his home.

This video was produced by Israel Social TV, an independent media NGO working to promote social change, human rights, social justice and equality, and to mobilize its viewers towards activism.


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