Why have we placed ads on +972 Magazine?

Dear Readers,

We wanted to share with you our decision to place ads on the site, which is part of the latest news in our ongoing growth and development.

+972 is a blog-based web magazine that is jointly owned and operated by a group of journalists and bloggers whose goal is to provide fresh, original, on-the-ground reporting and analysis of events in Israel and Palestine. The writers provided the seed money to launch the site, and all writing is done on a voluntary basis.

Over that last couple of years, +972 Magazine has grown significantly in readership and in the volume of content we provide. Even in our community-based model, quality journalism costs money: from travel expenses, to editing and legal counsel, to the cost of our servers. Advertising is one route we are exploring to raise funds for these costs. We are and will remain committed to keeping access to all of our content free and unlimited.

Advertising alone cannot cover the costs of maintaining the site – but it’s a start. We will continue to rely on grants and reader donations for most of our expenses.

You should know that we don’t place the ads ourselves, so if you find any of their content offensive, please notify us by email at info@972mag.com. Ads pay per click, so clicking on banners publicizing products or services you find interesting is also a nice way to support us. As always, you can also make a donation directly through the link on the top right corner of the site – even the smallest amount goes a long way in helping us maintain this project.

Thank you for reading,
Noam Sheizaf and the +972 team