I have made up my mind to ban all Holocaust and/or Nazi Germany references on comments to my posts, for the following reasons:
1. Israel is not Nazi Germany. It’s not even close. I find the current political trends troubling, even dangerous, but this country is not engaged in a systematic, full-scale genocide, and since 1948, it hasn’t committed mass deportations. There are better ways to say that the Palestinians deserve justice.
2. Some argue that Israel has one or several laws that were introduced by the Nazis too. Even if that’s the case, so what? The same could be said of many laws, in many countries. Nazi Germany is the symbol of the ultimate historical evil because of the death camps and the industrialized genocide, and nothing else. It’s not even because of the concentration camps themselves, since those weren’t unique to Germany (the USSR had them, and so did the US), and surely not because of racist policies alone. Many countries have had racist policies at one stage or the other. Saying that a racist law immediately turns a country into the equivalent of Nazi Germany is like saying universal health care makes a country Nazi – a claim so stupid no sane person would even think of it.
3. Saying someone is a Nazi means he represents the ultimate evil – something that shouldn’t be negotiated or compromised with, but only fought. If you think Israel should be wiped off the map, not just the country but its people themselves, you won’t find support on this blog (if you think the political structure which makes Israel what it is should be changed, or that the country should become bi-national or multi-cultural, you are welcomed to express your ideas here – but leave the WWII references out).
4. My grandfather was a Holocaust survivor, and maybe because of that, I simply find these analogies offensive. I would rather not read them on my own blog.
5. Adding WWII references to your argument sounds like a good way to get attention, but it’s actually counter-productive. More often than not, people start debating Nazism (usually revealing very poor historical knowledge) and the real issue you wanted to discuss is forgotten. I want debates here to be focused and on-topic, and I want them to deal with real issues, not propaganda.
This policy will apply for both sides. I will not allow such references to Israelis and Jews, but I will also delete all comments comparing Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims to the Nazis, or calling left wing activists Kapos, as some readers have.