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Edo Konrad
Edo Konrad

The Nation partners with +972 Magazine

+972 teams up with The Nation


I must have been around 15 when I first encountered The Nation, the oldest weekly left-wing magazine in the United States. It was the middle of the Bush years, and both the Iraq War and the Second Intifada were still raging. There weren’t many people around in my northern California suburb who were able to cut through the nationalistic propaganda being sold to us, which viewed both the invasion of Iraq and the Israeli occupation as matters not only of patriotism, but of life and death.

When a friend let me borrow a copy of The Nation, I was floored to discover that there was a different way to think and write about these topics. It gave me the tools to start my political journey to the left, in the face of the hawkish jingoism of those years.

More than 15 years later, we at +972 have the honor of teaming up with the editors of The Nation and our partners at Local Call to publish the cover story of the magazine’s latest issue, dedicated to one of the most significant developments taking place between the river and the sea: the dissolution of the Green Line and the solidification of Israel’s single-state apartheid regime.

In the issue, you’ll find +972’s Amjad Iraqi’s meditation on how the end of the Green Line has unwittingly enabled Palestinians to reconnect and rebuild their national fabric, most prominently during last year’s “Unity Intifada.” In a second article, Local Call editor and +972 contributor Meron Rapoport writes that the disappearance of the Green Line finally gives Israeli Jews the opportunity to open up their political imagination and envision the land differently. And finally, +972 Executive Director Haggai Matar writes a beautiful introduction that illuminates just how necessary a conversation on the shifting paradigm in Israel-Palestine is in this moment.

We put our hearts into this project, so I hope each one of you gets to spend some time this weekend to sit with these articles and take them in.

In solidarity,

P.S. Our work — whether these collaborations, our on-the-ground reporting, long-form essays, or weekly newsletters — requires time and resources. Thank you for being a member +972 Magazine and helping us sustain our work!