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loyalty oath
Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship
There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity? By Riman Barakat Today marks the 45th anniversary of what Palestinians and the international community refer to as the illegal annexation of…
+972 Magazine
May 20, 2012
SURVEY: Palestinian citizens demand social justice
A new survey of Arab citizens of Israel following waves of anti-Arab activity shows that most have not given up on Israeli society, but instead express strong support for social activism to advance Arab issues, general social problems, and an end to the occupation. With so much nastiness directed against them, it wouldn’t be surprising…
Dahlia Scheindlin
December 24, 2011
Two pseudo-states is not a solution for flailing Israeli democracy
By Hagai El-Ad The two-state solution? Instead of an end to the occupation, September might bring us not just more of the same, but worse: an occupied pseudo-State of Palestine, alongside a deteriorating pseudo-democracy in Israel The expected UN General Assembly decision on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state was perhaps supposed to usher…
+972 Magazine
June 6, 2011
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End of year poll updates: Israel and Palestine
Here’s a summary of some of the top quality polling being done by Israelis and Palestinians, about Israelis and Palestinians. From masses of data, I’ve selected highlights addressing two main themes: the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and the state of democracy in both societies. All the data comes from sources I trust. I use names or…
Dahlia Scheindlin
December 29, 2010
A new bill threatens Reform, Conservative movements
Knesset pushes two more legislative pieces that would drive Israel further from democracy Last week, the Ministerial Legislative Committee – which is responsible for deciding whether a bill will receive government sponsorship, which will allow it to be speedily debated and almost assure its becoming a law – debated a bill, tabled by MK Uri…
Yossi Gurvitz
November 17, 2010
Oct 20: Loyalty Oath might not pass in Knesset
The Headlines: What does Rabin’s Murder Mean? > Israel commemorates Prime Minister Rabin, assassinated in 1995 by an extreme right-winger, because of his involvement in the Oslo accords with the Palestinians. But what should we do on this of remembrance: recite Rabin’s individual life story? Condemn political violence in general? Should we critically examine the…
Roi Maor
October 20, 2010
Oct 19: Netanyahu: Loyalty for Jews as well
The Headlines: Jews will have to take loyalty oath > Netanyahu has decided that the proposed loyalty oath for naturalized citizens, to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic” state, will also apply to Jewish immigrants. Previously, the proposal was intended for non-Jews only. This revision seems unlikely to sway opponents, while perhaps producing new…
Roi Maor
October 19, 2010
Between the Lines (Oct 17): Thousands Protest ‘Loyalty’ Bill
The Headlines: Demonstration against Racism > Thousands demonstrated against the proposed loyalty oath bill, and other racist and anti-democratic proposals. > The US and other major countries have expressed disappointment at the decision to resume settlement construction in East Jerusalem. A planned meeting between Netanyahu and Palestinian President Abbas was cancelled. The Palestinians and some…
Roi Maor
October 17, 2010
Could opposition to the ‘loyalty oath’ bring out the best in Israelis?
When America Pastor Terry Jones recently threatened to burn a Koran, which is his constitutional right, America shouted him down. Voices on all sides of the political spectrum united in eloquent protest – such as Sarah Palin, whose Facebook site said: “Book burning is bad.” (OK, she wrote a few other things). My cynical expat…
Dahlia Scheindlin
October 12, 2010
Between the Lines (Oct 11): More “loyalty” measures in store
The Headlines: Heading in the wrong direction, fast > Israelis will soon be allowed to accelerate to 11o kph on some highways. But where will they be going? > One indication could be the government’s endorsement of a law requiring non-Jewish new citizens to declare loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and Democratic” state. Some…
Roi Maor
October 10, 2010
Between the Lines (Oct 10): Loyalty law expected to pass
The Headlines: Jews and non-Jews > The government is likely to approve today a proposed bill, which will require all new non-Jewish citizens to declare their loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic” state. Ha’aretz [Heb] and Yedioth focus their criticism today on Ehud Barak, leader of the Labor party, who supports the law…
Roi Maor
October 10, 2010
Playing with fire: on the loyalty oath
Every time you think Ehud Barak, our spineless minister of defense, cannot sink any lower, he comes out with a public statement that proves you wrong once again. In this particular case, we are talking about the Loyalty Oath bill. The prime minister has suddenly announced that during the upcoming cabinet meeting, on Sunday, he…
Yossi Gurvitz
October 8, 2010
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A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam
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Pick peppers, patrol for Palestinians: The 'New Guardians' of Israeli agriculture
‘I'm bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army's approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
Why did a British Jewish newspaper publish fake Israeli intelligence?
A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza
How Haifa University’s Students’ Union conspired against Palestinians
‘People torn to pieces’ in Israeli airstrike on Gaza displacement camp
Why did a British Jewish newspaper publish fake Israeli intelligence?
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza
Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute
‘This is also America’s war’: Why the U.S. isn’t stopping Israel’s Gaza onslaught
A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam
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