Noam ended his post from yesterday with an interesting sentence: “Without America’s support for it, there would have been no occupation.” It has occurred to me that the US probably does not perceive itself as a supporter of the occupation. So, for the benefit of up-and-coming politicians and diplomats, I have prepared a short test they can take, to see whether they support or oppose the occupation.
Question 1: How often do you talk about the Palestinian issue?
a. Incessantly, even when asked about Peru or Japan.
b. Only when I have something new and substantial to say.
c. Only when I am cornered by a pack of ravenous journalists.
d. What issue?
Score: a – zero points for prioritizing talk over action; b – one point for being serious; c – zero points for evading the issue; d – minus one point for utter callousness.
Question 2: How will you vote in the UN on a Palestinian state?
a. In favor of recognition; then I plan to rest for a decade.
b. I will do everything in my power to avoid this immensely difficult choice.
c. Against recognition. I am part of the moral majority, and will burn down the UN building if the rest of the world votes against me.
d. I have bigger fish to fry.
Score: a – zero points for focusing on pointless symbolism; b – zero points for taking yourself way too seriously; c – minus one point for making no sense; d – one point for having the right priorities.
Question 3: What is your recipe for ending the occupation?
a. More peace talks – it can’t possibly fail.
b. Build institutions for a Palestinian state.
c. Put pressure on Israel to end it.
d. Stop calling it the occupation.
Score: a – really? zero points; b – 0.1 points for at least trying; c – one point for fingering the culprit; d – minus one point for distorting reality.
Question 4: What should policy towards Israel look like?
a. Shower it with unconditional largesse.
b. Demand a partial and temporary settlement freeze.
c. Harshly criticize the occupation and other violations of human rights.
d. Make vague, non-credible threats about sanctions.
Score: a – minus one point for being counterproductive; b – zero points for missing the point; c – one point for keeping your eye on the ball; d – zero points for bluffing.
Question 5: What is your position on the 1967 borders?
a. Best we can do.
b. The basis for a future border, with mutually agreed land swaps.
c. Sure, but Israel can annex the settlements blocks and the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem.
d. Auschwitz borders.
Score: a – one point for realism; b – zero points for vagueness; c – minus one point for contradicting yourself; d – minus one point for baseless hyperbole.
Now total the points:
If you got less than minus two points, you are strongly pro-occupation.
If you got exactly minus two points, you are the Obama administration.
If you got between minus one point and plus one point, you are vaguely against the occupation, but have no intention to do anything effective about it.
If you got more than one point, you are on the right path to oppose the occupation. Also, who are you and why haven’t we heard from you?