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New army version on Bil’in death contradicts previous claims
Yesterday evening, just in time to make the eight o’clock news, the IDF has presented another “official” version for the death of Bi’lin’s Jawahar Abu-Rahmah during a protest against the security barrier near her village on December 31st. This is from Haaretz: Abu Rahmah, 36, was taken to the hospital after she inhaled tear gas…
Noam Sheizaf
January 20, 2011
IDF Spokesman denies Jawaher Abu Rahmah died of medical negligence
The IDF keeps offering new versions regarding the death of Jawaher Abu Rahmah – and is contradicted by its own spokesperson Several major Israeli media outlets published yesterday a new IDF “investigation,” which claimed that Jawaher Abu Rahmah – who died after inhaling CS (tear) gas in Bil’in – did not die as a result…
Yossi Gurvitz
January 20, 2011
Did Sarah Palin borrow the term ‘blood libel’ from Israeli discourse?
Sarah Palin, an American conservative celebrity, has used the term ‘blood libel’ to tar critics of her incendiary rhetoric, following a deadly shooting in the US. Did she borrow the phrase from Israeli discourse? Here, it stands for the idea that any accusation against Israel must be a lie. To admit any wrong is to…
Roi Maor
January 15, 2011
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In the West Bank, everyone knows there’s no accountability
The death last week of Bil’in resident Jawaher Abu Rhamah, after she inhaled tear gas at a demonstration, has received a great deal of publicity, making her into a symbol of the violent means the Israeli army uses to maintain its control over the West Bank. Many commentators are parsing the incident as if it…
Lisa Goldman
January 9, 2011
Israeli activists push for ‘BDS’ in Boston
Dozens of American, Israeli and Palestinian protesters gathered Friday in front of the Israeli consulate in Boston to mark the death of Jawaher Abu Rahmah. Jawaher was killed by American made tear gas fired by the IDF on New Years Eve during a weekly unarmed demonstration in the West Bank village of Bil’in. The Boston…
Joseph Dana
January 8, 2011
“Gas won’t tear us apart”: a return to Bil’in
Hundreds march in Bil’in to commemorate Jawaher Abu Rahmah, the 36-year-old woman who was killed last week in an unarmed demonstration against the separation wall. The former vice president of the European Parliament, Lusia Morgantini and a current Israeli Parliament member Mohammed Barakeh (Hadash) joined the demonstration which was lead by over thirty women’s organizations…
Joseph Dana
January 7, 2011
Another activist arrested; police try to search a house without a warrant
Another Israeli activist has been arrested and jailed in connection to the protest in front of the US ambassador’s house last Saturday night. The activist was summoned for ‘questioning’ yesterday afternoon and arrested upon arrival. He has been charged with the same crimes as the other activists who were released yesterday on no bail. Unlike…
Joseph Dana
January 5, 2011
IDF on Bil’in: spins, half-truths and lies
Jawahar Abu-Rahmah of Bil’in was rushed to Ramallah hospital last Friday during an unarmed protest against the fence in her village. She passed away Saturday morning. Her death gained relatively wide publicity, and the IDF scramble to pushing its own version of the story, first claiming that Abu-Rahamh took part in a violent riot, and…
Noam Sheizaf
January 4, 2011
Evidence discredits army’s version of Bil’in woman’s death
The following is a detailed response to the army’s claims regarding the death on 1 January 2011 of Jawaher Abu Rahmah, who was taken to the hospital on 31 December after inhaling tear gas at the weekly demonstration against the separation barrier in Bil’in, a small Palestinian village near Ramallah. The response was written by…
Lisa Goldman
January 4, 2011
Not guilty: All US Ambassador protest charges dropped
The twelve Israeli activists arrested in connection to the protest at US ambassador’s home on Saturday night have been released from jail on no bail. The charges included illegal weapons possession and distributing public order were not dropped, but the judge argued that there was no evidence for the charges to hold up in a…
Joseph Dana
January 4, 2011
The army spin machine at work in the Abu Rahmah killing
By Jerry Haber A female protester dies at a Bil’in protest from tear gas inhalation. The army is not only faced with a public relations nightmare, but also with the real possibility that there will be pressure to change its mode of operations, and to use a less effective (from its standpoint) tear gas. There…
+972 Magazine
January 4, 2011
BREAKING: Another activist arrested following protest at US ambassador’s residence
Sunday, 3 January: Tel Aviv Within the last hour, one more Israeli activist has been arrested over last Saturday’s protest at the Tel Aviv area home of the US Ambassador to Israel. The activist, identified only as A.H., was called to a Tel Aviv police station for interrogation relating to the protest and immediately arrested…
Joseph Dana
January 3, 2011
“We meet again, Super-Gran!” Notes from a protest
Visually, the protest yesterday veered from the Italian cinema Through the violent The contextual And the chique: But the overwhelming sensation – despite the tension and the occasional violent flare-up – was that of an almost good-natured surrealism. After trying to clear the road – using, I should note, only hands* – no clubs, hoses…
Dimi Reider
January 2, 2011
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‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza
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Israeli soldiers used an 80-year-old Gazan as a human shield. Then they killed him
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